Hello Ken,I have a workaround for this problem, namely to create an oblique line and move it onto the beam. I did not use \acciaccatura but rather smaller notes because I wanted to control the spacing of the notes.
See the attached slashedacciaccworkaround.pdf and .ly. I hope this may be of use. Archer On 16/09/2022 06:07, David Wright wrote:
Kenneth Wolcott wrote:I asked this question regarding a different piece that I was engraving. It looks like the slashed grace as shown in the Lilypond documentation is not the same as what I have engraved (there is no slash). Now another piece has come up with the same question. Maybe these aren't slashed grace notes? Maybe (as usual) I'm doing something wrong? My input, my engraving and the origin I'm reading from are attached.Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:Are you referring to the ornaments is measures 3, 11, and 25?Kenneth Wolcott wrote:That's correct.https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/special-rhythmic-concerns Scroll down to: Known issues and warnings A multi-note beamed acciaccatura is printed without a slash, and looks exactly the same as a multi-note beamed appoggiatura. Cheers, David.
Description: Adobe PDF document
%slashedacciaccworkaround.ly \version "2.22.1" % WORKAROUND FOR A SLASHED ACCIACCATURA % Uses (mostly) 7/4 virtual bars (invisible bar lines in the ly file) \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t \clef treble midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand" } { % Bar 9 (7/4) - big problem with 'keep-alive' -- see LH part <d'' a'' es'''!>1\p s8 % 7-note Change staff passage \override NoteHead.font-size = #-3 \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-4.0 . -4.0) \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-0.5 . -2.5) \stemDown fis''!8_\markup{\dynamic f \italic{secco}}[ \change Staff = "down" \stemUp c''8 \change Staff = "up" \stemDown e'' \change Staff = "down" \stemUp f' \change Staff = "up" \stemDown b'' \change Staff = "down" \stemUp a' \change Staff = "up" \stemDown g''] ~ g''4 \bar "" % Bar 10 \revert NoteHead.font-size \stemNeutral } %LOWER STAFF \new Staff = "down" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t } { \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed % Bar 9 (2/4 + s8 + 5/4) << { g'1 \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(2.5 . 4.0) s8^\markup{\draw-line #'(-2.5 . 4.0)}} \\ {des'8\sustainOn_( bes4 des'8 ~ des'8[ bes] ~ bes4_) s8\sustainOff} >> s2. s8 r4 \bar "" } >> }