Le 5 oct. 2022 à 10:38, Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch> a écrit :

I get errors in the Alto part :

Démarrage lilypond 2.23.13 [19f-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-09-Alto.ly]...
Traitement de « /Volumes/JMI_Volume/JMI_Musique/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-LYS/19f-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-09-Alto.ly »
/Volumes/JMI_Volume/JMI_Musique/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-LYS/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-Global.ily:25:71: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in property path Score.RehearsalMark.padding
\override Score.RehearsalMark
#'padding = #2.0 }
/Volumes/JMI_Volume/JMI_Musique/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-LYS/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-Global.ily:26:19: Erreur : chaîne d'échappement inconnue : « \compressFullBarRests »
silencesMulti = {
silencesMulti = {
/Volumes/JMI_Volume/JMI_Musique/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-LYS/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-Global.ily:27:100: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in property path MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit
\override MultiMeasureRest
#'expand-limit = #1
rFermata = { \tag #'partie \set restNumberThreshold = #1 R2.
\fermataMarkup \tag #'partie \set restNumberThreshold = #0 }
rFermata = { \tag #'partie \set restNumberThreshold = #1 R2.
\fermataMarkup \tag #'partie \set restNumberThreshold = #0 }
/Volumes/JMI_Volume/JMI_Musique/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-LYS/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-Global.ily:63:46: Erreur : GUILE a signalé une erreur pour l'_expression_ débutant ici
\on-the-fly #
not-first-page \fromproperty #'header:instrumentHeader
Unbound variable: not-first-page
Attendait procedure, #<unspecified> trouvé.
#not-first-page \fromproperty #'header:instrumentHeader
ERROR: In procedure ly:parse-file:
In procedure reverse!: Wrong type argument in position 1: (#<unspecified> . #f)
Arrêté avec le code de retour 1.


convert-ly is the magic word.


Le 5 oct. 2022 à 10:33, Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch> a écrit :

Thanks, I’ll try that!


Le 4 oct. 2022 à 23:58, Ella Yu <ella...@gmail.com> a écrit :

Link to source is here: https://le-concert.pagesperso-orange.fr/boieldieu/19-Boieldieu-CalifeBagdad-LYS.zip

Just need violin and viola parts. Thanks everyone for helping!

On Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 2:56 PM Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
Hello Ella,

I have some experience with MusicXML and I’m interested too in trying to export your .ly file to MusicXML using Fresco.

Thanks if you can send me this file.


Le 4 oct. 2022 à 22:16, Stephan Schöll <mu...@gmx.ch> a écrit :

Tried to follow the thread and


- exported an arbitrary ly file using Frescobaldi experimental feature as Jean described -> *.xml

- open *.xml file in MuseScore 3.0


(Translation: File xyz is no valid MusicXML file. Should I try to open anyway?)

Error message:

Fatal error: Line 11 Column 29 element 'creator' is not defined in this area/context (namespace?)

If I decide for "load anyway" I get a reasonable result in MuseScore (I have to admit that I never used MuseScore before ;-) ) with only a few header elements missing.


Am 04.10.2022 um 21:38 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:
Le 04/10/2022 à 21:15, Ella Yu a écrit :
Thanks Jean. So basically the resulting exported XML literally won't open in MuseScore because it says it's not a valid XML file, so I went and opened it in Finale Notepad and then re-exported it and the notes were all wrong. [...]

Interesting. Would you mind sending the .ly file to me? I would like to understand what is invalid about the generated MusicXML.



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