Le 06/10/2022 à 19:31, Paul Scott a écrit :
In 2.23.13 Notation 1.3.1 shows how to mix normal text with dynamic text.

Is there a way to mix normal text, brackets specifically, with hairpins?  This is used in the U.S. Marine Band versions of the Sousa marches.

Thank you for any ideas,

Do you mean something like this?

\version "2.23.13"

\markup format-bracket =
  \markup \large \vcenter \etc

  \once \override Parentheses.stencils =
    #(lambda (grob)
       (list (grob-interpret-markup grob (make-format-bracket-markup "["))
             (grob-interpret-markup grob (make-format-bracket-markup "]"))))
  \once \override Parentheses.padding = 0.8
  d' d' c'\!


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