Hi Karlin,

No, that's the issue.  It would be a \markup of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti in each note head according to whatever key  is declared.  So, in D major, where ever there is a d, d', or d, the syllable do would be in the note head, where ever there is an a, a''', or a,,, it would be so, ect...

I guess the code would need to know what \key was declared.

But, nothing to observe out there that I know of.  I am being creative, imaginative, or inventive.

Craig Bakalian

On 10/7/22 3:42 PM, Karlin High wrote:
On 10/7/2022 2:35 PM, Craig Bakalian wrote:
Is there a way to get solfege syllables into the easy note system?

Probably, although I expect you will have to further define the result you want. Is there an example of such a product anywhere the community could observe, either online or posted attachment?

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