Hi Harm,

> What happens if you follow the comments below? Cheers, Harm
>>               ;; Next line should be used for 2.19.65 and above
>>               ;(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
>>               ;  (stack-stencils X RIGHT 0 all-stils))
>>               ;; This line is for 2.18.2, though sometimes the offset in 
>> x-axis
>>               ;; is a little off
>>               (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text
>>                 (make-stencil-markup (stack-stencils X RIGHT 0 all-stils)))

Oh! Well, it doesn't stop the error from happening… but it's probably good to 
make this change anyway, since I'll be using >2.19.65 for all future scores.


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