Am Mo., 10. Okt. 2022 um 21:04 Uhr schrieb Kieren MacMillan
> Hi Jean,
> > This looks like you have done something like
> > { c'\custdyn "p" }
> > instead of
> > { c'\custdyn "{p}" }
> Hmmm… the only three calls I have look like the second (correct) version, not 
> the first. But switching those three custom dynamics to simple/native 
> dynamics eliminates the error, so it's definitely something in that code 
> that's breaking.
> Because I need to keep ploughing forward on this score, I'm going to bail 
> here and just leave them as simple dynamics… When I can take a breath (next 
> week?), I'll return and see if I/we can figure out the real root of the 
> problem.
> Thank you so much for all your help!
> Kieren.

Hi Kieren,

sorry for the delay...
I wrote the original code for 2.19.65 and overlooked the bug you
encountered - it happens if the string-argument is plain text, i.e. no
dynamics are present, _and_ no spaces occur like "laut", "sehr laut"
would have worked.
Furhermore there were a guile1/guile2 problem: `split-at' behaves
differently now.
The definition for `note-column::main-extent' is now superflous, can
be retrieved by calling NoteColumn.main-extent.

Attached you'll find the newest code.
You need to rename the function `dynamicH' to `custdyn'

Though, there's currently a patch waiting for 2.25. deleting the
If merged it will break the coding again.
While it is possible to work around I'll object to this change.

\version "2.23.13"

%%%% DynamicText, created on the fly
%%%% Reads
%%%%  DynamicText.details.separator-pair
%%%%  DynamicText.details.dyn-rest-font-sizes
%%%%  DynamicText.details.markup-commands
%%%%  DynamicText.details.inner-x-space
%%%%  DynamicText.details.outer-x-space

#(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
#(define remove-empty
  ;; Remove empty strings and empty lists from the given list 'lst'
  (lambda (lst)
      (lambda (e) 
          (and (string? e) (string-null? e))
          (and (list? e) (null? e))))

#(define char-set:dynamics
  (char-set #\f #\m #\p #\r #\s #\z)) 
#(define (make-reg-exp separator-pair)
  (format #f "\\~a[^~a~a]*\\~a"
    (car separator-pair)
    (car separator-pair)
    (cdr separator-pair)
    (cdr separator-pair)))

#(define (dynamics-list separator-pair strg)
  (let ((reg-exp (make-reg-exp separator-pair))
        (separators (char-set (car separator-pair) (cdr separator-pair))))
      (lambda (s)
        (let* ((match (string-match reg-exp s)))
           (if match 
               (let* ((poss-dyn (match:substring match))
                      (cand (string-trim-both poss-dyn separators)))
                 (if (string-every char-set:dynamics cand)
                         (match:prefix match)
                         (match:suffix match))
      (string-split strg #\space))))
#(define (dynamic-text::format-text 
           fontsizes inner-kern outer-kern text-markup-command lst)
  (let* ((mrkp-cmnd
           (lambda (arg) (make-normal-text-markup (text-markup-command arg))))
         (txt-font-size (if (pair? fontsizes) (cdr fontsizes) #f))
           (lambda (txt)
             (if (number? txt-font-size)
                 (make-fontsize-markup txt-font-size (mrkp-cmnd txt))
                 (mrkp-cmnd txt))))
         (left-out (if (pair? outer-kern) (car outer-kern) #f))
         (left-inner (if (pair? inner-kern) (car inner-kern) #f))
         (right-inner (if (pair? inner-kern) (cdr inner-kern) #f))
         (right-out (if (pair? outer-kern) (cdr outer-kern) #f))
           (lambda (space)
             (if (number? space)
                 (txt-mrkp-cmnd (make-hspace-markup space))
      (lambda (e)
        (if (list? e)
                (cond ((and (string-null? (car e)) (equal? e (car lst))) '())
                      ((string-null? (car e))
                        (space-mrkp-cmd left-out))
                      ((and (not (string-null? (car e))) (equal? e (car lst)))
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (car e))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd left-inner)))))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd left-out)
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (car e))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd left-inner))))))
                (second e)
                (cond ((and (string-null? (last e)) (equal? e (last lst))) '())
                      ((string-null? (last e))
                        (space-mrkp-cmd right-out))
                      ((and (not (string-null? (last e))) 
                            (equal? e (last lst)))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd right-inner)
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (last e))))))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd right-inner)
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (last e))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd right-out))))))))
            (make-line-markup (list (txt-mrkp-cmnd e)))))

#(define (get-string-indices lst)
    (lambda (e c) (if (string? e) c #f))
    (iota (length lst))))

#(define (dynamic-text::structered-list 
           separators fontsizes inner-kern outer-kern markup-commands idx strg)
  (let* ((ls (dynamics-list separators strg))
         (dynamic-fontsize (if (pair? fontsizes) (car fontsizes) #f))
         (dyn-mrkp-cmnd (car markup-commands))
           (lambda (txt)
             (if (number? dynamic-fontsize)
                 (make-fontsize-markup dynamic-fontsize
                   (make-normal-text-markup (dyn-mrkp-cmnd txt)))
                 (make-normal-text-markup (dyn-mrkp-cmnd txt)))))
             (cdr markup-commands)
           (list-insert-separator formated-dyns (make-simple-markup " ")))
             (lambda (y) (if (markup-list? y) y (list y)))
             (lambda (e)
               (if (string? e)
                   (dynamic-mrkp-cmnd e)
         (string-spaced-indices (get-string-indices spaced-plain))
         ;; if idx exceeds, print a warning and use first possible
         ;; dynamic
         ;; if idx is negative, due to (1- idx) in the function-body of dynamicH
         ;; return #f, same for if (null? string-spaced-indices). Meaning no
         ;; dynamics are indicated.
         ;; This will finally return (with dynamicH) a left align dynamic.
           (cond ((or (negative? idx) (null? string-spaced-indices)) #f)
                 ((>= idx (length string-spaced-indices))
                       "requested dynamic to align does not exist, ignoring")
                     (car string-spaced-indices)))
                 (else (list-ref string-spaced-indices idx))))
           (if dyn-pos
                 (lambda () (split-at spaced-with-dyn dyn-pos)) 
    (if (markup-list? splitted-at-dyn-index)
        (let* ((before (car splitted-at-dyn-index))
               (dyn&else (cadr splitted-at-dyn-index)))
             (if (pair? dyn&else)
                 (list (car dyn&else) (cdr dyn&else))

dynamicH =
#(define-event-function (idx strg) 
  ((index? 1) string?)    
  "Returns customized DynamicText derived from @var{strg}.
Parts which should be rendered with as dynamics should be entered by
surrounding them with the elements of @code{details.separator-pair}, default is
@code{(cons #\\{ #\\})}.
The output is done by using the procedures from @code{details.markup-commands},
defaulting to @code{(cons make-dynamic-markup make-italic-markup)}.
Further customizing is possible by using
@code{details.dyn-rest-font-sizes}, needs a pair, default is unset
@code{details.inner-x-space}, needs a pair, default is unset
@code{details.outer-x-space}, needs a pair, default is is unset
The optional @var{idx} determines which dynamic part is centered under the
NoteColumn (in case @var{strg} contains multiple dynamics)."
  (let* ((dynamic (make-music 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent))
           (lambda (grob)
             (let* ((separator-pair
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)
                        (cons #\{ #\})))
                    ;; get the fontsizes to use from the relevant 
                    ;; details-sub-property, i.e. 'dyn-rest-font-sizes
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)))
                    ;; get the markup-commands to use from the relevant 
                    ;; details-sub-property, i.e. 'markup-commands, a pair
                    ;; car for dynamic, cdr for the rest
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)
                        (cons make-dynamic-markup make-italic-markup)))
                    ;; get the pair-value to use for inserting some space to the
                    ;; left and/or right of the dynamic, usefull for bracketed
                    ;; dynamics or dynamics with punctuations
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)))
                    ;; get the pair-value to use for inserting some space 
                    ;; between the dynamic expression and other text.
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)))
                        (1- idx)
                        (lambda (mrkp) 
                          (if (null? mrkp)
                              (grob-interpret-markup grob 
                                (if (markup-list? mrkp)
                                    (make-concat-markup mrkp)
                        (lambda (tw)
                          (eq? (car tw) 'self-alignment-X))
                          (ly:grob-property grob 'cause) 
               (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil 
                 (stack-stencils X RIGHT 0 all-stils))
               ;; if previous tweak for self-alignment-X is present return '()
                 ((pair? prev-self-alignment-X-tweaks)
                 ((markup-list? stil-candidates) 
                   (ly:grob-property grob 'X-offset))
                   (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'X-offset 
                     (let* ((x-exts
                                (lambda (stil) (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
                                (take all-stils 2)))
                            (x-par (ly:grob-parent grob X))
                                (if (ly:grob-property grob 
                                    (ly:grob-property x-par 'main-extent)
                                    (ly:grob-extent x-par x-par X))))
                            ;; Get previous tweaks for X-offset and add their 
                            ;; values
                            ;; They are added to the final result  
                                (lambda (tw)
                                  (and (number? (cdr tw)) 
                                       (eq? (car tw) 'X-offset)))
                                  (ly:grob-property grob 'cause) 
                              (apply + (map cdr prev-x-offset-tweaks))))
                             (interval-length (car x-exts))
                             (/ (interval-length (second x-exts)) 2)
                             (cond ((and (ly:stencil-empty? (car all-stils))
                                      (negative? (car (second x-exts))))
                                    (car (second x-exts)))
                                   ((negative? (car (first x-exts)))
                                    (car (first x-exts)))
                                   (else 0)))))))))))))
    (set! (ly:music-property dynamic 'tweaks)
          (acons 'before-line-breaking
                 (ly:music-property dynamic 'tweaks)))
tst = "foo {mf} poco, poco -{f}- piu ,{p}! {f} {p} {ff} {ppp}"
%tst = "{mf} poco, poco -{f}- piu ,{p}! {f} {p} {ff} {ppp}"
%tst = "some text only"
%tst = "foo"
%tst = "{f} to {p}"

\score {
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "\\dynamicH" } 
    { c'1\dynamicH 4 \tst }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" } 
    { c'1 -$(make-dynamic-script 
                (make-italic-markup "some text only"))) }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" } 
    { c'1 \mf }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" } 
    { c'1 \f }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" } 
    { c'1 \p }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" } 
    { c'1 \ff }
  %% helper for better viewing
  \addlyrics \with { \override LyricText.parent-alignment-X = #LEFT }
    { \markup \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) \draw-line #'(0 . 300) }
  \layout {
  	%% DynamicText may be customized with overrides like below
  	%% Currently given are the defaults
  	\override DynamicText.details.separator-pair = #(cons #\{ #\})
    %% first value of the pair used to render dynamics, second for other text
    \override DynamicText.details.markup-commands = 
    #(cons make-dynamic-markup make-italic-markup)
%    \override DynamicText.details.markup-commands =
%      #(cons 
%        (lambda (arg) (make-normal-text-markup (make-box-markup arg)))
%        make-underline-markup)
%    \override DynamicText.details.markup-commands =
%      #(cons
%         (lambda (arg)
%           (markup 
%             #:normal-text 
%             #:override '(box-padding . 0.5) 
%             #:override '(thickness . 3) 
%             #:box 
%             #:bold 
%             #:override '(font-name . "LilyJazz")
%             arg))
%         (lambda (arg) 
%           (markup
%             ;; Limitation:
%             ;; underline returns a nice output by accident!
%             ;; undertie not
%             ;; Reason: every single part of the text markup needs to be 
%             ;; processed separately, otherwise the offsetting calculation will
%             ;; be broken
%             #:underline
%             #:override '(font-name . "Purisa")
%             arg)))
    %% first value of the pair used to determine fontsize of dynamics, second
    %% for other text
    %\override DynamicText.details.dyn-rest-font-sizes = #'(10 . -5)
    %\override DynamicText.details.inner-x-space = #'(1 . 1)
    %\override DynamicText.details.outer-x-space = #'(4 . 2)
    \override DynamicText.after-line-breaking =
      #(lambda (grob)
        (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
            (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil)

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