I think you are looking for the markup commands wordwrap or wordwrap-string, 
something like:

\version "2.23.11"
\fixed c' { \cadenzaOn d4 e a g f g f d d e2 g1 f4 e  }
\addlyrics { When the stone had been seal -- ed by the Jews.
             \markup { 
               \override #'(line-width . 25)
               \wordwrap { 
                 While the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure }
             Bo -- dy 

You need the override to set the desired width to be taken up, and probably a 
bit of formatting with other markup commands to make it look decent. 


> 19 okt. 2022 kl. 10:51 skrev mjchadwic...@gmail.com:
> I am starting to set Orthodox chant (in English). How do I get a whole phrase 
> of text to split into two (or even three) lines. EG I would like to fit 
> “while the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure” under one semibreve. So that 
> it comes out something like:
> While the soldiers
> were guarding Thy
> most pure
> Rather than taking up half a staff of music.
> Thank you for any help you can give a beginner.
> Martin
> Martin Chadwick
> mjchadwic...@gmail.com

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