Hi Jaques!

The chords do not have any specified duration, so they fall back to the default 
duration, which is a quarter note. For them to have a whole notes length at 
least the first of them has to have a specified duration, like c1:m . After the 
first chord having a specified duration the subsequent ones will inherit that, 
the same way as notes. 


> 20 okt. 2022 kl. 12:59 skrev Jacques Menu <imj-...@bluewin.ch>:
> Hello folks,
> Strangely enough, the first three chords in 
> Part_POne_HARMONIES_Staff_Voice_Eleven_HARMONIES below are quater notes, and 
> not whole notes as I expected.
> Any hint why is welcome!
> JM
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.23.13"
> Part_POne_HARMONIES_Staff_Voice_Eleven_HARMONIES = \chordmode {
>   \language "nederlands"
>   \key c \major
>   \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4
>   \clef "treble"
>   c:m f:m7 g:maj7 cis4:aug/gis   %%%%% <----- HERE
> }
> Part_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One = \absolute {
>   \language "nederlands"
>   \key c \major
>   \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4
>   \clef "treble"
>   f'4 e'8 [ c' ] d'4 g' | % 2
>   \barNumberCheck #2
> }
> \book {
>   \score {
>     <<
>       \new PianoStaff
>       <<
>         \context ChordNames = 
> "Part_POne_HARMONIES_Staff_Voice_Eleven_HARMONIES"
>         \Part_POne_HARMONIES_Staff_Voice_Eleven_HARMONIES
>         \new Staff = "Part_POne_Staff_One"
>         <<
>           \context Voice = "Part_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One" <<
>             \Part_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One
>           >>
>         >>
>       >>
>     >>
>     \layout {
>     }
>   }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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