Le 25/10/2022 à 18:15, thedoctor81877--- via LilyPond user discussion a écrit :
Hi, sorry I thought I had replied to Abraham about my pdf not compiling, but didn't.

The pdf wasn't in a seperated window, and when i tried re-comppiling the input file, the pdf still wasn't compiling.

This is all I get:

Starting lilypond 2.22.2 [01troparion agk4.ly]...

Processing `/home/thedoctor81877/Documents/liturgical music/02 octoechos/tone01/01troparion agk4.ly'


Interpreting music...

MIDI output to `01troparion agk4.midi'...

Success: compilation successfully completed

Completed successfully in 0.4".

I am not sure where to go from here.

This sounds like you have something like

\score {
  [music expression]
  \midi { ... }

The rule is:

a) no \midi or \layout block   →   PDF output
b) \layout block only          →   PDF output
c) \midi block only            →   MIDI output
d) \midi and \layout blocks    →   PDF and MIDI output

You are in case c). You seem to want case d).
So you just need to add an empty \layout block to
enable generation of a PDF.

\score {
  [music expression]
  \midi { ... }
  \layout { }

Cf. https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/the-midi-block


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