Le 27/10/2022 à 23:06, Volodymyr Prokopyuk a écrit :

When working with the manually shaped slurs using the \tweak control-points approach, I've got the right output, but with the following programming error: bounds of this piece aren't breakable that always happens when the shaped slur is attached to the last note in a measure.

*Minimal failing example*

\version "2.23.14"

\relative {
  \repeat volta 2 {
    g'1( |
    \alternative {
      \volta 1 { g2 g) | }
      \volta 2 {
        g2 g
        \tweak control-points
          #'((-5.5 . -3.0) (-3.5 . -3.0) (-1.5 . -3.0) (-0.3 . -2.0)) ( <>)
        \bar "|."

The output is rendered, but with the below programming error

GNU LilyPond 2.23.14 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `shaped-slur.ly <http://shaped-slur.ly>'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages..
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
shaped-slur.ly:10:9: programming error: bounds of this piece aren't breakable.

        \tweak control-points
shaped-slur.ly:10:9: continuing, cross fingers
Converting to `shaped-slur.pdf'...
Success: compilation successfully completed

*Minimal working example*
However,/if there is a rest/ after the note with the attached shaped slur, there is no programming error

\version "2.23.14"

\relative {
  \repeat volta 2 {
    g'1( |
    \alternative {
      \volta 1 { g2 g) | }
      \volta 2 {
        g2 g4
        \tweak control-points
          #'((-5.5 . -3.0) (-3.5 . -3.0) (-1.5 . -3.0) (-0.3 . -2.0)) ( <>) r
        \bar "|."

What is the reason for the programming error in the failing example? Is there a way to get the output from the failing example, but without the programming error?

This sounds like this issue in the LilyPond bug tracker:


When you do

\version "2.23.80"

{ c'( <>) c' }

this is equivalent to

\version "2.23.80"

{ c'( c') }

In other words, using the empty chord <> attaches the event at
the same moment as the notes that follow this empty chord. Now,

{ c'( <>) }

you are conceptually attaching the end of the slur to some
non-existent note after the end of the piece. I understand
the request that it should work, but I think it's not very
surprising that it doesn't work.

If I were you, I would just use \repeatTie and \shape.
You are already using \shape, so the default layout
of \repeatTie that looks like a tie and not like a slur
is not so problematic.


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