when I run `lilypond -dbackend=eps myfile.ly` with LilyPond 2.22.2 I get 2
PDF files (myfile.pdf and myfile-1.pdf) and an EPS file (myfile.esp).

\version "2.22.2"

\relative c'' {c d e c}


Please note that myfile.pdf and myfile-1.pdf seem identical, but they

diff myfile-1.pdf myfile.pdf
Binary files myfile-1.pdf and myfile.pdf differ

Some time ago the behaviour was different: I just got myfile.pdf and
myfile.eps, if I remember correctly (in any case the EPS file didn't have
any suffix). Unfortunately now I have trouble with a script...

Is this a bug? Do the next versions have the same behaviour? In this case I
have to modify my script.

Thank you!


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