Viktor Mastoridis <> writes:

> Hello list,
> The construct below used to work for my educational needs up to 2.20.
> Now in 2.22 it doesn't work anymore and it's beyond my understanding to fix
> it.
> I passed in Frescobaldi, but no joy.

It's convert-ly you need to run for updating syntax, and it has rules in
both 2.17.6 and 2.23.11 for this change, so it would appear that you use
it, if at all, in a wrong manner.

>   \override NoteName #'stencil = #ChimeNoteNames

This is the problematic line, and the error message should have
indicated as much.  This should be NoteName.stencil but you really
really really should figure out how to run convert-ly in the correct
manner on your files, or you'll be back asking for help on the list for
every single incompatible syntax change in future.

David Kastrup

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