Mats -

With your pointers, I've made significant progress.  Three anomalies remain.

A)  The big aha: text size is controlled with, e.g.
\override DynamicTextSpanner #'font-size  = # 6
but dotted- and dashed-lines aren't scaled.

B)  Got the \markup thing working, almost.  In
\set decrescendoText = \markup{ \fontsize #6 { "" \raise #-10 "test"}}
the text and line are not "raised" the same distance.

C)  Both
\set crescendoSpanner   = #'dashed-line
\set decrescendoSpanner = #'dotted-line
do as expected, but
\set crescendoSpanner   = #'line
gives a dashed line.

                                     - Bruce

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