Hi all,

> Maybe what I'm going to say will sadden some, but personally,
> I never quite understood what the advantage of developing
> openLilyLib as a library external to LilyPond, as opposed to
> contributing features to LilyPond itself, was supposed to be.

cf. our past discussions (some on -devel, some private) about my attempts to 
add code, where it should go, etc.

> To be honest, although I wasn't there at the time, it is my
> impression that this split was partly motivated by some personal
> conflicts that reduced Urs' willingness to submit patches to
> LilyPond, which is not relevant for us today.

The patch-discussion and -submission process has definitely been an impediment 
to many developers in the past.

> I would like to see edition-engraver go that route  as well
> (with a better, iterator-based implementation).

You know you’re preaching to the choir here… ;)

> It would be good to get a feel from users how much this resource is
> used, and which bits are most important to maintain.

1. I use the edition-engraver on everything more complicated than a MWE or 
“music theory exercise” [and sometimes I even use it for those! LOL].

2. Obviously I use oll-core, since that is foundational to the EE.

3. I use stylesheets and notation/font selection and breaks for everything BUT 
not the OLL frameworks which either never really got built out (stylesheets) or 
I've just never had enough breathing room to study (fonts and breaks); if those 
WERE built out, well-documented, and clearly optimized, I would consider those 
to be essential "bits".

Lots of thoughts on OLL and modular code integration etc., but will wait for 
concrete questions to answer.


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