Oh, it’s the creator themselves, what an honour!
Your solution worked. I was only wondering how I should calculate the required 
#:factor depending on the staff size.

PS: I have to tell you, it’s largely thanks to your font that I get so many 
compliments from the jury of my conservatory on the beauty of my scores.

Kind regards,
Yentl Tijssens

> On 21 Nov 2022, at 21:54, Abraham Lee <tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Yentl!
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 1:40 PM Yentl Tijssens <yentltijss...@icloud.com 
> <mailto:yentltijss...@icloud.com>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I use the custom font Beethoven. Even though I have all the correct sizes 
>> installed, the font doesn’t use the right one when changing the default size:
>> Doesn’t anyone have a solution to this?
>> \version "2.22.2"
>> #(set-global-staff-size 12)
>> \paper {
>>   #(define fonts
>>      (set-global-fonts
>>       #:music "beethoven"
>>       #:brace "beethoven"
>>       ))
>> }
>> \score {
>>   \relative c' {  c4 d e2 }
>> }
> It’s not the font that’s the problem, but an unexpected nuance of the way 
> fonts are initiated within LilyPond.
> What you need to do is add the #:factor variable to set-global-fonts, like 
> this:
> (set-global-fonts
>   #:music “beethoven”
>   #:brace “beethoven”
>   #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20)
> )
> Since you are changing the staff size from the default of 20pt to 12pt, this 
> command will provide the correct scaling factor and make the font symbols the 
> correct size for a 12pt staff.
> And, yes, I tried to eliminate the need for that variable, but I could never 
> figure out how to automagically collect the staff-height and perform this 
> calculation behind the scenes so the user doesn’t have to. Alas, it is 
> necessary for the foreseeable future. Enjoy Beethoven! It was fun making it!
> Hope that helps,
> Abraham

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