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Le 24/11/2022 à 00:06, Jean Faure a écrit :
Hi, thanks a lot for all the clarifications. However, I wasn't precise. I would indeed prefer that the choice of the EPS file be dependent only on the original note shape. Thus, duration-log would be much more convenient.

But I do not know how to apply Aaron's optimization. Could you help me once more and give me the code which ignores duration variations like dots, which do not affect the original note's shape?

You would use it like this:

\version "2.22.2"

customHead = {
  \once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \once \override NoteHead.text =
    #(lambda (grob)
          \markup \general-align #Y #CENTER
              #(case (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log)
                 ;; whole note:
                 ((0) #{ \markup \epsfile #X #2 "custom1.eps" #})
                 ;; half note:
                 ((1) #{ \markup \epsfile #X #3 "custom2.eps" #})
                 ;; quarter note and shorter:
                 ((2) #{ \markup \epsfile #X #4 "custom4.eps" #}))

  \customHead c'1
  \customHead c'2
  \customHead c'4
  \customHead c'8

Note that my original suggestion also ignored dots. The difference
is that this one also treats quarter notes and shorter notes the
same (there is a note head full of ink with a stem in all those cases).

(Valentin: I use text-interface and \markup so it is obvious
how to make further transformation, like \with-color or such.)


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