Greetings -

I'm feeling stupid. I've installed new versions for years, and this time
I'm totally floundering. I hope someone can give me some help. I've looked
at the documentation online, the documentation in Frescobaldi, and searched
in the new 2.24.0 files for a ReadMe, with no luck.

I'm currently running LilyPond version 2.23.6 and Frescobaldi 3.2.

I have a series of folders labelled
(and now) lilypond2.24.0

The folders in <lilypond> are <license> and <user>, and are shown to have
been "modified" on Feb. 6 of this year (probably when I installed 2.23.6).
I thought maybe I could move <license> and <user> from the new 2.24.0
folder, but I can't find them.
I've tried to go into Frescobaldi and add lilypond-2.24.0 to "versions to
use", but I can't get Frescobaldi to accept it.
I have extracted <lilypond-2.24.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz> to lilypond2.24.0.
I do have a file <>, which I'm guessing set up
<lilypond>, but I'm not seeing any .sh file associated with 2.24.0.
I'm guessing I need to rename the <lilypond> folder to <lilypond2.23.6> to
keep that version, but I don't know how to install 2.24.0.

I would appreciate any help.

All the best,

Ralph Palmer
(he, him, his)

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