I'm making a setting of some music with repeated melodies. The dynamics on
the second repeat are slightly different in that some appear to have been
omitted from the first time. I'd like to use the same code, but to show the
"possibly omitted" dynamic marks in a different color. I have tried the
following: the color of the dynamic marks is not altered. What do I need to
Paul McKay

\version "2.24.0"

nn = \relative { \repeat unfold 16 e'4 }
dyn = { 4 2\<
        \override DynamicLineSpanner.color = #red
        \override DynamicText.color = #red
        \override DynamicTextSpanner.color = #red
        \tweak color #red
        2\< 2\< 4\! }
<< \nn\new Dynamics \dyn >>

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