Il giorno gio 29 dic 2022 alle 11:14:03 +0100, Mauro <> ha scritto:
Dear all,

I have a large repository of scores which are currently being built as eps documents using the following command:

lilypond -E -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts

This command, up to version 2.22, generates a single eps file (file.eps) trimmed down to just the size of the score.

I recently upgraded from lilypond 2.22.2 to 2.24.0 and the same command now produces a full-page output. After searching the lists and the documentation, I understand that I have to set 'use-paper-size-for-page' to false in order to get a trimmed down output, but I do not understand how to get a single eps file.

I have tried different combinations of command line args. I am only able to generate two output files (file.eps and file-1.eps), both of them identical and trimmed down, with the following command:

lilypond -E -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts -dno-use-paper-size-for-page

Is this how it is supposed to work? Why is lilypond generating a second identical file with -1 suffix?

I could easily remove the second file (file-1.eps) in my build chain, but I wonder if I am missing something.

There was a similar discussions last month:

In your example I would add a \pageBreak to get a better understanding of what lilypond does. I cannot open EPS files currently, but as far as I can see from the file manager thumbnails the first file is the two page file, while -1.eps and -2.eps are the single pages. They are different:

$ ls -lh *.eps
-rw-r--r--. 1 fede fede 157K 29 dic 14.40 demo-1.eps
-rw-r--r--. 1 fede fede 156K 29 dic 14.40 demo-2.eps
-rw-r--r--. 1 fede fede 158K 29 dic 14.40 demo.eps

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