
I am typesetting some late Renaissance, early Baroque music for which a
double stop (= chord with two notes) on a stringed instrument would be
notated with the stem of the top note up and the stem of the lower note
down.  So instead of using the standard notation

<a e>4

for a double stop, I am using

<< {a4} \\ {e4} >>

This is convenient as most of the music is with single notes, so I just
bung in one of these when I need to.

And I thought I'd be clever by writing this into a little Scheme function:

dStop =
     (topnote bottomnote)
     (ly:music? ly:music?)
    << {#topnote} \\ {#bottomnote} >>

But this doesn't work; I get multiple GUILE errors in the definition line.
Clearly I'm misunderstanding something, but in my hunting about I haven't
found any examples of scheme functions with multiple musical inputs.

If anybody could point me in the right direction I'd be delighted!

(There might be other ways of obtaining this same effect without voices,
say by somehow tweaking the chord typesetting to have the stem of the top
note up, and the stem of the lower note(s) down ... but I have no idea how
to do this.  Multiple voices is easy, if perhaps a bit clumsy.)

Thank you,

Alasdair McAndrew (he/him)
mob: 0432 854 858


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