Le 05/01/2023 à 17:20, Michael Dietz a écrit :
I have three follow-up questions concerning Flatpak-Frescobaldi:

The PDF next to the .ly files seems to be unchanged. Why doesn't it update?

Most likely, you forgot to save the .ly file after changing it, so what you see is a temporary .pdf file created from a temporary .ly file made by Frescobaldi.

How can I install other music fonts? I used to copy them into
But as the exectuable is listed as /app/bin/lilypond, I guess fonts in the above directory are not picked up. It seems like I cannot use alternative lilypond installations. I have a few of them. But if I enter them in the list in settings, their path is listed as /run/user/1000/... instead of their "real" path. Is it possible to use different versions or only the one packaged with Flatpak?

It's complicated. See


Basically, if you put them under a folder that the Flatpak has access to, like ~/Documents, it *may* work, but you're on your own (specifically, it happens to work with 2.24 because the binaries are static, but it doesn't work with self-compiled binaries, and it will probably not work with 2.22 binaries).

You have to do this, if you get it to work, in order to use custom music fonts, since you need to put them in LilyPond's installation directory.

If this sounds awkward, that's because it is. Please help me to pester the Ubuntu developers so that progress is made on making Frescobaldi work again in Ubuntu 22.04.

Or just update to Ubuntu 22.10, which does not have this issue.

Or use another distro; I have Fedora and the maintainer was very reactive with Frescobaldi problems.


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