Hi David,

> That's just wild hand-waving.  You cannot let the second Staff start
> after the grace note.  That would look like

You have inferred things about my suggested implementation which I neither 
stated nor implied.
(These kinds of discussions always go better when people don’t make 

> A "theory" has hard rules.  You haven't come up with any set of rules
> that would not either _mandate_ the behavior that constitutes issue 34
> or would result in worse artifacts.

At the moment, I am in the Organizing and Sensing phases of behaviour, not 
Doing. (I realize many of the programmers in this list are of the “Do first” 
persuasion, but that’s not my process.) I’m more than happy to work with you 
with a set of “hard rules” that neither mandates the Issue #34 behaviour nor 
“would result in worse artifacts”, if you’re willing to put aside making 
assumptions about my proposed implementation and actually work on the problem 

> Computer problems cannot be solved with linguistics, only with logic.

I do that all the time as a programmer… and get paid pretty well for the 
effort, as it turns out.  =)


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