> The figure "4" in figured bass is coming out with a stunted upright in
> the new release
> 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><
> %\version "2.20.0"
> \version "2.24.0"
> \score {
>         \new Staff  << 
>                         \context Staff \figuremode { <4> }
>                          \new Voice {  \clef bass   c  } 
>                      >>
>        } 
> 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><
> gives a strange-looking 4 which resembles an upside-down 7 with a
> smudge on it, quite difficult to decipher (see attached examples).
> Is this a bug

No.  This is intentional, since previously you could mix up digit 4
with digit 1.  BTW, I disagree with the deciphering issue :-) Note
also that the smaller the font size, the smaller the difference
between the two types of digit four become.

> and how can I access the previously used font?

The glyph you are searching for is called 'fattened.fixedwidth.four',
to be activated with font features (see the documentation of the
`\number` markup for some explanation).  Here is an example to change
this globally.

#(set-global-staff-size 26)

\score {
    \new Voice { d'4 d'4 }
    \new FiguredBass \figures { <4> <4\+> }

\layout {
  \context {
    figuredBassPlusDirection = #RIGHT
    \override BassFigure.font-features = #'("tnum" "ss01")

The only drawback is that the 'fourplus' glyph always have the short


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