On Fri 13 Jan 2023 at 19:30:29 (+0000), nitra...@posteo.net wrote:
> I was talking about the first note of each measures after the Key Signature.
> But you were right, it is the default spacing.
> About the distance between different accidentals, consider the example
> bellow. You can see a difference between the "Reference staff" and number
> "C" in the "Corrected Output". It looks like an extra space has been added
> between the key cancellation and the new one.
[ … ]
>             grob
>             (+ (- (interval-end (ly:grob-extent can parent X))
>                   (ly:grob-relative-coordinate grob parent X))
>                0.7)
>             X))))
>   \music
> }

Change 0.7 to 0.1 and you can make the cancellation almost touch the
new key signature, so pick your value to taste, I guess.

You might need to check how a particular value behaves when staves
are stretched or compressed while breaking the music into lines.
(Your Reference staff has slightly different measure lengths from
the Corrected output.)


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