Dear Jean,

thank you very much for this! I only changed the horizontal distances
of the dots to 0.1 as in \pattern #4 #X #0.1. If it's not too hard, is
there any way to make this behave like an articulation (say, like a
staccato) regarding direction? Right now it defaults to DOWN.


Am Mi., 25. Jan. 2023 um 23:21 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra <>:
> On 25/01/2023 22:57, Martín Rincón Botero wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > is there any way to make this markup mockup of a jeté symbol into a
> > proper articulation (so that Lilypond knows how to give it an
> > appropriate direction, f. ex.)? I suspect a Scheme workaround might be
> > possible :-).
> >
> > \markup \undertie ....
> > \markup \overtie ....
> >
> > Or is it something that needs to be baked into the font? Btw., "jeté"
> > is part of the SMuFL standard. See
> > It would be
> > nice to add a symbol for this to Lilypond by default.
> Try
> \version "2.24.0"
> jetéMarkup = \markup \undertie \pad-x #0.3 \pattern #4 #X #0.2 \musicglyph 
> ""
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     scriptDefinitions =
>       #(acons 'jeté
>               `((padding . 0.5)
>                 (direction . ,DOWN)
>                 (stencil
>                  . ,(lambda (grob)
>                       (grob-interpret-markup
>                        grob
>                        (if (eqv? DOWN (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
>                            jetéMarkup
>                            #{ \markup \scale #'(1 . -1) \jetéMarkup #})))))
>               default-script-alist)
>   }
> }
> jeté = #(make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type 'jeté)
> {
>   c'\jeté c'^\jeté c'_\jeté
> }
> It would be nice if you could spell that as
> scriptDefinitions.jeté = ...
> but infrastructure for nested context properties is not implemented yet,
> unlike grob properties where you can do
> \override = foo.
> Best,
> Jean


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