Hello Werner,

this would not be hard to get done. Here’s an experimental commit:


Using this test:

  c'8 d' r e' r f' g' r | r r r a' b' s s c'' | r r r r s s s s \break
  \set autoBeamRests = ##t
  c'8 d' r e' r f' g' r | r r r a' b' s s c'' | r r r r s s s s \break
  \set autoBeamRests = ##f \set autoBeamSkips = ##t
  c'8 d' r e' r f' g' r | r r r a' b' s s c'' | r r r r s s s s \break
  \set autoBeamRests = ##t
  c'8 d' r e' r f' g' r | r r r a' b' s s c'' | r r r r s s s s

this produces the appended result.

Am Freitag, 20. Jänner 2023, 08:19:02 CET schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
> >> The NR says that autobeaming doesn't work over rests.  In some
> >> situations this means a lot of additional work.  As an example,
> >> consider a piece that uses almost exclusively a saltarello-like
> >> rhythm:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ```
> >> \time 6/8 d8[ r d] d[ r d]
> >> ```
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I now wonder whether it makes sense to control this behaviour with
> >> a property, and whether this behaviour (i.e., autobeaming over
> >> rests) can be easily implemented at all...
> > 
> > 
> > Depending on how regular this actually is, you might be able to do
> > something like
> > 
> > \version "2.24.0"
> > 
> > \new Voice <<
> >   { \time 6/8 d8 r d d r d }
> >   \repeat unfold 2 { s8[ s8 s8] }
> > 
> > >>
> Nice idea, thanks!  However, this is far from a convenient solution in
> the long run.  IMHO, there are definitely valid situations where
> automatic beaming over rests does make sense.
> Looking up our tracker, this is actually issue #994.
>   https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/994
>     Werner


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