Hello Eirik,

this behaviour is caused by defining new Lyrics contexts in Lyrics contexts as 
it seems. I’ve also never seen someone use such notation before.

Rather I’d do different Voices for different Lyrics to align to:

\version "2.24.0"

global = {
\key f \major
\time 4/4

sopranoVoice = \relative c'' {
  \new Voice = "chorus" {
  % Music follows here.
  \repeat volta 3 {
    \bar ".|:" c4 4 4 4 |
      \volta 1,2
      { d4 4 4 4|
        \new Voice = "stanza" {
          g,4 4 4 4 |
          c,4 e g bes16~ 16~ 16~ 16|
      \volta 3
      { e4 4 4 8 8|}
      }%end alternatives
    }% end repeats
  }% endVoice
} %end music

verseOneSopranoVoice = <<
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "chorus" {
    \set stanza = "Chorus:"
    % Lyrics follow here.
    Chorus! is my desire, also part of  \set associatedVoice = "stanza" 

    \set stanza = "1."
    Now I sing my be -- au -- ti -- \set associatedVoice = "chorus" ful __
    and the song is over.
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "stanza"
    \set stanza = "2." Oh how wonder -- ful is this happy song! __
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "stanza"
    \set stanza = "3." Oh yes, there! I see over there is __

voiceParts = \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff { \sopranoVoice }

\score {
  \layout { }


Am Sonntag, 5. Februar 2023, 00:43:32 CET schrieb Eirik Bjørlo:
> Hello,
> I am having some trouble with overshooting melisma, as you can see in
> attached output. Se also MWE below. What could cause this?
> I do realise that there should have been 4 voltas, but the «bug» still
> persists even when I correct this.
> There is also a Music stackexchange threat which I created on this for
> future Reference.
> https://music.stackexchange.com/questions/127261/lilypond-how-to-avoid-over
> shooting-melisma-in-last-stanzas-incl-mwe-and-outpu
> \version "2.24.0"
> global = {
>   \key f \major
>   \time 4/4
> }
> sopranoVoice = \relative c'' { \new Voice = "stemme" {
>   \global
>   % Music follows here.
>   \repeat volta 3 {
> \bar ".|:" c4 4 4 4 |
> \alternative{
> \volta 1,2
> {d4 4 4 4|
> g,4 4 4 4 |
>  c,4 e g bes16~ 16~ 16~ 16|}
> \volta 3
> { e4 4 4 8 8|}
> }%end alternatives
>   }% end repeats
> }% endVoice
> } %end music
> verseOneSopranoVoice = \lyricmode {
>   \set stanza = "Chorus:"
>   % Lyrics follow here.
>   Chorus! is my desire, also part of chorus!
>   <<{\set stanza = "1."
>   Now I sing my be -- au -- ti -- ful __
>     }
>     \new Lyrics
>     {\set associatedVoice = "stemme"
>       \set stanza = "2." Oh how wonder -- ful is this happy song! __
>     }
>     \new Lyrics
>     {\set associatedVoice = "stemme"
>       \set stanza = "3." Oh yes, there! I see over there is __
>     }
>     >>
>   and the song is over.
> }
> voiceParts = \new ChoirStaff <<
> \new Staff  { \sopranoVoice }
> \addlyrics { \verseOneSopranoVoice }
> >> 
> \score {
>   <<
>     \voiceParts
>   >>
>   \layout { }
> }

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