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Le vendredi 17 février 2023 à 15:24 +0100, Immanuel Asmus a écrit :
> Hello,  
> I recently updated to Lilypond 2.24.1 and tried to automatically       
> convert a file from version 2.22.2. I tried the following:
> - Opened a file in Frescobaldi, chose „update with convert-ly".
>         The version numbers are found, but the OK button is greyed out
>         and won’t do anything.

Perhaps you missed that after changing the LilyPond version, you have to click 
"Run Again" at the bottom left.

This might also happen if there was an error running `convert-ly`. Then the 
error can be seen in the log that the dialog shows.

> - So I tried „save as file“. This created an empty .txt file,
>         but no .ly file (at least not in the original directory) nor did
>         it change the original .ly file.
> - I opend the power shell (I’m on Win 10) from the folder where
>         my .ly files are, typed *convert-ly -e *.ly* (I tried as
>         well with a specific file name) and hit enter. I got the message
>         (in German, I’ll roughly translate it):Fehler
>           beim Ausführen des Programms "convert-ly.py": Program not
>           foundIn line:1 char:2
>           +  convert-ly -e *.ly
>           +  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
>           In line:1 char:2
>           +  convert-ly -e *.ly
>           +  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (:) [],
>           ApplicationFailedException
>               + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandFailed

You should either run `convert-ly` with its full path, like

C:\Users\me\...\lilypond-2.24.1\bin\convert-ly file.ly

or add the `...\lilypond-2.24.1\bin` directory to your path.

> - I copied convert-ly.py into the folder where the .ly files are
>         located and tried again. Same result.

This is not the way it's meant to be used.

> - I added my lilypond folder to the path variables. Still same
>         result.

Did you add the `...\lilypond-2.24.1` folder? The executables are not there, it 
should be `...\lilypond-2.24.1\bin`.

> - I tried different locations to extract the .zip file: First, I
>         extracted it to Program Files (x86)\Lilypond. Then I tried
>         Users\[my account]\AppData\Local. Last I tried directly C:\.
>         Same result.

This should make no difference apart from the absolute path that you can use to 
invoke convert-ly if you choose that method (i.e., 
`C:\...\lilypond-2.24.1\bin\convert-ly file.ly`).

> I uninstalled the previous lilypond copy. Maybe that was my       mistake?

That should not be a problem.
> Any help would be appreciated.

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