Thank you, this works like a charm, even with tuplets, multiple voices or staves (as far as I tested). There is one case that doesn’t work as expected, but I do not (yet) need it: Namely, when the note on the barline is dotted, the dot will not be moved. Try, e.g.,

\fixed c' { \time 3/4 d4 g2. fis8 g a4 }

instead of the original melody, and you see what I mean.


Am 22.02.2023 um 15:49 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:

Le mercredi 22 février 2023 à 15:05 +0100, Immanuel Asmus a écrit :

|Dear all, I want to typeset the sincopa as it was customary between 1500 and 1700 AD: A note whose duration would exceed the bar should be placed directly on the barline. (Attached is a scan from a 1739 edition of one of Geminiani’s sonatas.) Some years ago, I found a snippet that dealt exactly with this problem and used some excessive scheme coding, so I know it must be possible. However, I’m unable to relocate this snippet. Any help would be appreciated. |

For me, this works:

|\version "2.25.3" #(define (Heads_on_bar_lines_engraver context) (let ((busy #f)) (make-engraver ((process-music engraver) (let ((current (ly:context-current-moment context))) (set! busy (filter-map (match-lambda ((end . grob) (and (not (equal? end current)) grob))) (ly:context-property context 'busyGrobs '()))))) ((stop-translation-timestep engraver) (let ((bar (ly:context-property context 'currentBarLine #f))) (when (and bar (pair? busy)) (let ((col (ly:grob-parent (car busy) X)) (group (ly:grob-parent bar X))) (ly:grob-set-parent! col X group) (ly:grob-translate-axis! col -0.6 X)))))))) \layout { \context { \Voice \consists #Heads_on_bar_lines_engraver } } \fixed c' { \time 3/4 r4 d g2 fis8( g) a4 r g b2 a8( b) c'4 r b d' g c'( ees') } |

I am actually pretty surprised that it works, because I would have expected turning note columns into non-musical grobs to wreck all assumptions of the layout engine, but, well, at least on this example, it works. I would not count on it to be super reliable, though.



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