Hi, everyone (especially Jean),

Thanks for all your replies -- most helpful.

> > In short, is there a way to set "ss03" globally?
> This should do:
> ```
> \paper {
>   text-font-defaults.font-features = #'("ss03")
> }
> ```

This was exactly what I was looking for -- I've tested it and it

FYI, before writing to this list I did do multiple Google searches,
as well as a search of the LilyPond source code, and I couldn't find
any references to this, at least in regard to font-features.

So, thanks: you've all saved me a lot of tearing of the hair! :-)

Yours truly,

John Zaitseff

John Zaitseff   ╭───╮   Email: j.zaits...@zap.org.au
The ZAP Group   │ Z │   GnuPG: 0x0D254111C4EE569B
Australia Inc.  ╰───╯   https://www.zap.org.au/~john/

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