On 2023-03-04 19:15, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

who has ever used option `--show-rules` of `convert-ly`, except for
being curious what this option does?

In https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/1854 we are
discussing whether it would make sense to remove it.
I've definitely used it a number of times over the years, [...]

Regarding the discussion in the merge request, I don't see any
reason to translate these messages.  I wouldn't expect a lot of
users who use the feature and don't know English sufficiently well
to be able to decipher what it's about, especially since the
Lilypond syntax itself is language independent.
I agree, thus suggesting the following:

* Remove translation marks (will soon push this to the above merge

* Replace `--show-rules` with a more common `--verbose` option to show
  rule descriptions while `convert-ly` is running.  Right now,
  `--show-rules` only emits the rules but doesn't do a conversion at
  the same time, which is rather useless IMHO.  Not sure whether my
  Python abilities are good enough to implement this feature; anyway,
  this will be a separate merge request.


I don't fully agree with your second item. In the use cases I described, I have used "convert-ly -s" without any input file, to see the list of changes, so please keep a possibility to easily list the rules without an input file.


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