Le lundi 06 mars 2023 à 10:43 -0600, Guy Stalnaker a écrit :

> Hello everyone,
> Curious if anyone on this list, especially in Germany, has knowledge or 
> experience with musicalion.com. I just received an unsolicited email 
> from them about my choral works on Choral Public Domain Library 
> (cpdl.org) asking me to also put my work in their system. They *seem* 
> legit, but in this day and age where "seems" can obscure a cloud of 
> issues, I though I'd ask this community first, knowing that many of you 
> have far more experience than I have with publishing music at all levels.

I have exactly zero experience with professional music publishing, but
I recommend that you read their terms and conditions.


At a glance, article 5:

> The right to use the collection of all sheet music and
> recordings from Musicalion.com is limited to the period of
> membership. After terminating membership, the user must destroy
> all Musicalion.com data files and printouts which
> are still in the user's possession. In the event that a user
> provided an ensemble with sheet music from
> Musicalion.com, then the user is responsible to ensure the destruction
> of these copies

makes me think this is not a service I would be particularly happy
to use, personally.

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