Please keep lilypond stuff on the mailist, since then other people can benefit
from the answers.

On 11-Jun-05, at 9:49 PM, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

Graham- Thanks for the response - however I don't have internet connection for the linux machine and only 56k modem for this the windows machine and it hated me when I tried to download a version of lilypond.

The new 2.5 package should be much easier to deal with than the previous
Cygwin package. Simply use an intelligent download application to get the
entire package (you could spread it over a whole week, if you want).

So, your response would imply that the answer(s) are "no, you can't do that yet".

You probably can, especially if you use lilypond-book, but it would be much easier with 2.6.

- Graham

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