On 2023-03-11 10:34 pm, Paul Scott wrote:
This still gives the warning and I don't want any repeats there.
As the warning is indicating, you are trying to start a new volta bracket when one already exists.
You need to explicitly terminate the first one when you are using repeatCommands:
%%%% voltaFine = \markup { \text \upright \fontsize #2 "Fine Ending" } voltaCont = \markup { \text \upright \fontsize #2 "To Cont." } \fixed c' { c1 \set Score.repeatCommands = #`((volta ,voltaFine)) c4 d c2 \bar "|." \set Score.repeatCommands = #`((volta #f) (volta ,voltaCont)) f4 g a b \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f)) } %%%% (Quasi-quoting can help keep things more concise.) -- Aaron Hill