
it's me again with a follow-up question: I've now added \stemDown and
adjusted the concaveness to make the banjo tablature look more like I
want it. However, ideally I'd want all the right hand fingerings
aligned on one line, but they keep jumping up and down (because of
where the beams end). I've played around with
Stem.details.beamed-lengths and
Stem.details.beamed-minimum-free-lengths, but it's still not looking

Any ideas? Here's my code:

fT = \rightHandFinger #1
fI = \rightHandFinger #2
fM= \rightHandFinger #3

music = {
  (\glissando a)
  b8 \fI
  d' \fM
  g \fT
  b \fI
  g'\5 \fT
  d' \fM
  c'4 \fI
  g'8\5 \fT
  c' \fI
  e' \fM
  g'\5 \fT
  c' \fI
  e' \fM

 \new TabStaff \with { \tabFullNotation
    tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
    stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
  \consists New_fingering_engraver
  \override StrokeFinger.digit-names = ##("T" "I" "M" "R" "P")
strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
  \override Beam.concaveness = #10000

Den tirs. 21. mar. 2023 kl. 21.12 skrev Michael Werner <reznae...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Thomas -
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 3:28 PM Thomas Widmann <t...@bibulus.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to produce banjo tablatures similar to the ones seen here: 
>> <https://eligilbertbanjo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/30-Days-of-Banjo.pdf>
>> In general it's working well, but I seem unable to get the right hand 
>> fingerings to show in the tablature. A simple example:
>> fT = \rightHandFinger #1
>> fI = \rightHandFinger #2
>> fM= \rightHandFinger #3
>> music = {
>>  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
>>   g8\fT
>>   b \fI
>>   g'\5\fT
>>   d' \fM
>>   g \fT
>>   b \fI
>>   g'\5 \fT
>>   d' \fM
>> }
>>  \new TabStaff \with { \tabFullNotation
>>     tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>     stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
>>  }{ \music }
>> If I add a normal Staff, the right hand fingerings will show up there, but I 
>> only want the tablature.
> Turns out that the right hand fingerings are produced by an engraver that 
> isn't normally a part of the TabStaff context. But it's easily enough added 
> in, like this:
> \new TabStaff \with {
>   \tabFullNotation
>   \consists New_fingering_engraver
>   tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>   stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
> }
> The \consists command is what's used to add an engraver to a context. 
> Conversly, the \remove command will remove an engraver and all of what that 
> engraver produces.
>> Furthermore, I'd prefer the fingers to be called T, I and M rather than p, i 
>> and m. How would I do that?
> One more line added into the \with block takes care of that, resulting in:
> \new TabStaff \with {
>   \tabFullNotation
>   \consists New_fingering_engraver
>   tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>   stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
>   \override StrokeFinger.digit-names = ##("T" "I" "M" "a" "x")
>   strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
> }
> The first three right-hand fingerings are changed to what you listed, while 
> the other two are the defaults. Also the strokeFingerOrientations seemed to 
> need moved into the \with block to take effect.
> michael

Thomas Widmann
Rugårdsvej 821
DK-5474 Veflinge
Email: t...@bibulus.org

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