Le mardi 28 mars 2023 à 09:30 +0200, Silvain Dupertuis a écrit :
> How are enharmonic notes supposed to be treated in such a function?

\version "2.24.1"

m = \relative c' { c cis des d dis ees e fes }
{ \m }
\inversion c' c' \m


which looks fine to me. Essentially, both the diatonic step and the
heard pitch are inverted. This is similar to how transposition works.

Inversion in, e.g., a Bach fugue subject is a bit different, as it
inverts the diatonic steps but keeps the notes on the scale,
effectively changing the heard intervals (e.g., in C major, if you
invert D around C like this, you get B, not B♭); LilyPond doesn't
implement this.

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