Le mardi 28 mars 2023 à 15:31 +0000, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
> ```
> I would like to have a command that inserts a `Custos` grob.  Note
> that it should really be a `Custos` grob and not something else so
> that `\BalloonGrobText Custos ...` works.
> Is there a possibility to do that?

What is the context? Do you want the custos' pitch to be determined by the next 
note or do you want to make it arbitrary? Is it for the visual index?

This kind of works:

\version "2.24.1"

\new Staff \with {
  \consists Custos_engraver
  \once \override Staff.Custos.break-visibility = #all-visible

but it's not clear to me if that corresponds to your desired output.

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