Le mercredi 29 mars 2023 à 22:56 -0600, Jeff Olson a écrit :
> I've got to generate a thousand+ cropped SVG files with specified file names  
> from one lilypond compilation, so I'm wrapping each score in a \book with  
> its own \bookOutputName as in this MWE:
> \version "2.24.1"  
> #(ly:set-option 'backend 'cairo)  
> #(ly:set-option 'separate-page-formats 'svg)  
> #(ly:set-option 'use-paper-size-for-page #f)  
> #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)  
> \book {  
>    \bookOutputName  "Foo"  
>    { f' }  
> }  
> \book {  
>    \bookOutputName  "Abc"  
>    { a' }  
> }  
> \book {  
>    \bookOutputName  "Bar"  
>    { b' }  
> }
> But the SVG files all have the extra -1 suffix as though there were 
> additional  
> files from the same book that would collide:
>    32 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None   32199 Mar 29 22:25  Foo-1.svg*  
>    32 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None   32190 Mar 29 22:25  Abc-1.svg*  
>    32 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None   32231 Mar 29 22:25  Bar-1.svg*
> My MIDI files don't have this problem since they only add a suffix on  
> **subsequent** files with the same base name, and there's only one per book.
> These "-1" suffices are messing with my URLs for the SVG files,  
> so I'd appreciate any ideas on how to get rid of them.  Thx.

They are there for good reason. If any of your `\book`s got output on multiple 
pages, there would indeed be multiple files output.

If you never want separate pages, you should not use `separate-page-formats` 
but `tall-page-formats`.

By the way, in addition to simplifying automation (like lilypond-book), having 
`-1.svg` even on the first page makes it possible to use both 
`separate-page-formats` and `tall-page-formats` at the same time.


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