Quick question, in the scores I am working on I already have a \layout block 
with several other settings within it. How can I insert just the line-width, 
indent, and short-indent settings into the already-existent \layout block 
without creating another one? If I try just 

       line-width = #(+ lw ind)
       indent = #ind
       short-indent = #ind

for my LilyPond code block, it gives me the error "not a note name: line-width".
Thanks for your Scheme expertise :)

𐑪𐑯 2023-04-11 𐑨𐑑 07:38, Benjamin Bruce <benja...@koine.gr> 𐑮𐑴𐑑:
> This is exactly what I needed. I figured it could be done with some 
> Scheme code, but that's beyond my knowledge. Thanks so much for your 
> help!
> 𐑪𐑯 2023-04-11 𐑨𐑑 03:55, juergen.gr...@xyz.de 𐑮𐑴𐑑:
>> OK, this was not correct. There is a left-margin-default set and the 
>> indent does not shift the line but makes it shorter(?) Here is another 
>> approach:
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> \version "2.24.0"
>> #(define (set-score-width lw)
>>    (let* (
>>            (pw (ly:output-def-lookup $defaultpaper 'paper-width))
>>            (lmd (ly:output-def-lookup $defaultpaper 'left-margin-default))
>>            (rmd (ly:output-def-lookup $defaultpaper 'right-margin-default))
>>            (ind (/ (- pw lmd rmd lw) 2)))
>>      #{ \layout {
>>        line-width = #(+ lw ind)
>>        indent = #ind
>>        short-indent = #ind
>>      } #} ))
>> \score {
>>   #(set-score-width 120)
>>   \repeat unfold 20 \relative c { c' d e f g a b  }
>> }
>> \markup   \wordwrap-string "Bacon ipsum dolor amet hamburger aliqua 
>> incididunt sunt in. Excepteur consequat ad laboris anim flank jowl. 
>> Irure drumstick shoulder dolor. Cupim tri-tip meatloaf prosciutto 
>> leberkas."
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> Juergen.

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