Hello Werner,

how should \column not be the "right" way? A markup list is a list of markups, 
but does not contain any information about how these should be positioned. The 
default behaviour Lilypond does when encountering a toplevel markuplist or 
when having a markuplist in a score is to stack them vertically by baseline. 
The default behaviour when encountering a markuplist in a markup is to stack 
them horizontally with some separating space. But generally a markuplist needs 
to be interpreted in some way. In a markup context this is done using 
functions like \column (place them vertically), \line (place horizontally with 
space), \concat (place horizonatally without space), \fill-line (place 
horizontally aligned to equally spaced points along the whole line width), 
\word-wrap (place horizontally but wrap at end of line), ...

So using \column is actually a good way to do it, as you clearly tell Lilypond 
what interpretation you want.


Am Mittwoch, 12. April 2023, 12:34:52 CEST schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
> > What do you mean by “convert”?
> Probably bad wording: I mean to wrap a markup list into a markup.
> > I don’t know what it means to convert a markup list to a markup,
> > since there are many ways in which you can combine the stencils:
> > \column, \center-column, \line, \concat, \fill-line, etc.
> I want to combine the stencils without changing the horizontal or
> vertical spacing.
> > What is insufficient with \column for your use case?  Are you trying
> > to keep flexible vertical spacing between the table lines?
> `\column` works just fine.  I was only wondering whether it is the
> 'right' way.
> Here is an example.  If you process file `a.lytexi`
> ```
> \input texinfo
> @lilypond[verbatim]
> \markuplist {
>   \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
>   \table #'(-1) { foo bar } }
> @end lilypond
> @lilypond[verbatim]
> \markup \column {
>   \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
>   \table #'(-1) { foo bar } }
> @end lilypond
> @bye
> ```
> with
> ```
> lilypond-book --format=texi --pdf --output=a a.lytexi 
> ```
> followed by `texi2pdf a/a.texi` you get the attached result.  As can
> be seen, `lilypond-book` enlarges the vertical spacing for the
> `\markuplist` because it gets converted to two `@image` commands, and
> `texinfo.tex` inserts some additional space between them.
>     Werner

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