On Sun, Apr 16, 2023, 8:42 AM Michael Werner <reznae...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ralph,
> On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 11:27 AM Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm having a problem with system-system spacing and ragged-last-bottom
>> in a \Book with multiple scores. I was able, at some point, to do a ragged
>> last bottom on the first score, but the systems were too close for my
>> comfort. I've looked a lot at what seem to be the appropriate places in the
>> Notation Reference, but I cannot figure out how to configure the context
>> within the first score to control either the ragged bottom or the
>> system-system distance, much less both.
> Both system-system-spacing and ragged-bottom  need to be placed in a
> \paper block, not a \layout block. There are limits on where a \paper block
> can be put. In this case what I would do (and there could very well, and
> probably are, better ways but this is what I came up with) is to put each
> of the scores into its own \bookpart section, as a \bookpart is one of the
> places a \paper block is allowed. This also obviates the need for the
> \pagebreak, as that is automagically put in by using a \bookpart. Also,
> system-system-spacing is comprised of 4 elements, each of which gets set
> seperately. Have a look at
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/the-paper-block
> and
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/flexible-vertical-spacing-paper-variables
> for some details on how it works. But a short version is try something
> like:
> \book {
>   \header {
>     title = "Test"
>     subtitle = "system spacing"
>   }
>   \bookpart {
>       \paper {
>         system-system-spacing.padding = #8
>         ragged-last-bottom = ##t
>       }
>     \score {
>       \header {
>         piece = \markup \fill-line \huge \bold { "First" }
>       }
>       \new ChoirStaff
>       <<
>         \new Staff
>         << \IVlaI >>
>         \new Staff
>         << \IVlaII >>
>       >>
>     }
>   }
>   %  \pageBreak
>   \bookpart {
>     \score {
>       \header {
>         piece = \markup \fill-line \huge \bold { "Second" }
>       }
>       \new ChoirStaff <<
>         \new Staff
>         << \IIVlaI >>
>         \new Staff
>         << \IIVlaII >>
>       >>
>       \layout {}
>     }
>   }
> }
> This should get you started along towards what it sounds like you're
> trying to do.
> Michael

Thanks for your quick reply, Michael. I'll try it, but when I used \book
with separate \bookpart s before, the title and subtitle appeared before
each \bookpart score.



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