> There is something I do not like about the fret diagrams in
> Lilypond:
> The diagrams are "open" on the side pointing towards the bridge of
> the instrument, with the strings "sticking out" on that side. How
> could I achieve closed rectangles in Lilypond like e.g. the
> "MusFrets" font does?
> www.notationcentral.com/product/musfrets/
> It is simply about a line drawn at the bottom (in the default
> direction) of the fret diagram, but I do not know enough scheme to
> do it.

This sounds like a reasonable request, please file an issue at


together with some images.

> It would be great if someone could show how to do that and that
> might as well be an option that could become standard in a future
> version.

The complete fret diagram code is in Scheme file


For learning purposes, I tried to solve this request. See attached file 
fret-diagrams.scm (lines 283 and 449).
(Keep a copy of the original file! There will be a warning "source file ... 
newer than compiled ...)
Closed Diagram is default.

\version "2.24.0"
  \clef "treble_8"
  <c e g c' e'>1^\markup {    
    \fret-diagram "6-x;5-3;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;"    
  <c e g c' e'>1^\markup {
    \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((close-diagram . #f)))    
    \fret-diagram "6-x;5-3;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;"    

HTH, Juergen.

Attachment: fret-diagrams.scm
Description: Binary data

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