> On 26 Apr 2023, at 17:06, Mats Bengtsson <mat...@kth.se> wrote:
>> On 2023-04-26 16:39, Michael Werner wrote:
>> \version "2.25.4"
>> \new Staff = "main" {
>>   \overrideTimeSignatureSettings
>>   4/4        % timeSignatureFraction - i.e. the time signature
>>   1/4        % baseMomentFraction - what note duration to base this on
>>   1,1,1,1        % beatStructure - this is the beat pattern
>>   #'()       % beamExceptions - needed to disable the defaults, or some such 
>> thing
>>   \new Voice {
>>     \time 4/4
>>     \relative c' {
>>       d4 d4. e8 e e
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
> Unfortunately that doesn't answer the question, since then d4 d4 d8 d8 d8 d8 
> will also be beamed by quarter notes. As far as I know the answer to David's 
> question is that it cannot be obtained using the current support for 
> automatic beams. The beam decisions is only taken based on the shortest 
> duration encountered since the possible start of the current beam. A more 
> advanced support would be needed to be able to specify more specific beaming 
> patterns.
>     /Mats

I suspect that more advanced support is already there with the beamExceptions 
(which the  should be specified as a non-empty a-list


but I've never experimented with it.

> -- 
> =============================================
>    Mats Bengtsson, Prof.
>    Information Science and Engineering
>    School of Electrical Engin. and Comp. Science
>    Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
>    SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>    Sweden
>    Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                
>    Email: mat...@kth.se
>    WWW: https://www.kth.se/profile/matben/
> =============================================

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