Le jeudi 27 avril 2023 à 21:39 +0200, Immanuel Asmus a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I am engraving a leadsheet for a song. It includes section labels (verse, 
> chorus etc.), chords, and text annotations (as "clap") – all above the staff. 
> Unfortunately, the position of the different text seems arbitrary.
> Here is a snippet:
> ```
> \version "2.24.1"  
>  chordNames = \chordmode {  
>    \set chordChanges = ##t  
>    \sectionLabel "Intro"  
>    a1:m f g e:m   
>    \sectionLabel "Strophe 1"  
>    a1:m a:m   
>  }  
>  melody = \relative c'' {  
>    \sectionLabel "Intro"  
>    << {s1*4}  
>      \new CueVoice {a2.^"kbd." b8 c f,2. b8 c d2. c4 g1}   
>    >> \bar "||"  
>    \sectionLabel "Strophe 1"  
>    \override NoteHead.style = #'cross  
>    \repeat percent 2 {r8 c^"klatschen" r c r c r c}  
>    \revert NoteHead.style  
>  }  
>  \score {  
>    <<  
>      \new ChordNames \chordNames  
>      \new Staff { \melody }  
>    >>  
>    \layout { }  
>  }  
> ```
> And the result:
> Another one further into the score (the code is identical, just the spacing 
> is different):
> I’d like the texts to appear as in the "Strophe 1" case: section labels 
> (horizontally aligned) above chords above annotations.

I don't have the time to explain this, and it's not really to be proud of, but 

\layout {
  \override Score.SectionLabel.padding = 2.5
  \override ChordNames.VerticalAxisGroup.X-extent = #'(-inf.0 . +inf.0)

> Furthermore, it would be great if section labels stood out a little more by 
> choosing a different font, bold or cursive style. Is it possible to change 
> the font for section labels globally?

Sure. For example:

\layout {
  \override Score.SectionLabel.font-name = "DejaVu Serif, Bold Italic"



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