Le jeudi 11 mai 2023 à 06:26 +0000, juergen.gr...@xyz.de a écrit :
> Hello all,
> why does each of the out commented lines break the layout when active? And 
> why does "(brace-Y..." not?

What breaks the layout is not the variable bindings per se of course, but the 
ly:grob-property calls, and that's because you are asking for information too 
early. At the moment after-line-breaking is
run, page layout is not done yet. Asking for the Y-extent of the brace 
indirectly triggers calculations of the distance between staves while the 
backend is generally not yet in a state where it is
able to compute them correctly. The X-extent of SystemStartBrace is unset 
(https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/internals/systemstartbrace) which 
means LilyPond uses the default of computing
it from the grob's stencil, so when you ask for the X-extent, it will try to 
compute the stencil, and thus the height, leading to the same problem. 
Similarly, the X-offset is based on side positioning
(ly:side-position-interface::x-aligned-side) so it will request the stencil.

On the other hand, the Y-offset is always 0, so you don't get problems, but 
it's not very useful either.

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