I'm setting a song with multiple verses, one of which starts with a syllable 
spanning two notes.  I'd like a dotted tie in the score, but how best to 
achieve that?

\version "2.25.0"

notes = \repeat volta 2 { d'2 d'2 e'2. 4 }
words = \lyricmode {
  << { Lo -- rem ip -- sum }
     \new Lyrics {
       \set associatedVoice = "notes"
       do _ -- lo -- rit

\score { <<
  \new Voice="sungNotes" \notes
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto sungNotes { \words }
>> }


1.  If I use a tie, the alignment of the words for the other verses gets messed 

  notes = \repeat volta 2 { \tieDotted d'2 ~ d'2 e'2. 4 }

2.  If I use a tie + explicit durations in the lyrics, I have to continue 
entering them for the entire piece.  I can't just do:

       Lo2 -- rem2 ip -- sum

and leave lilypond to work out the rest of the durations for the lyrics.

3.  If I try to fake it with a dotted phrasing slur, it works but looks ugly 
(and is semantically questionable):

  notes = \repeat volta 2 { \phrasingSlurDotted d'2\( d'2\) e'2. 4 }

So, what have I missed?  Suggestions gratefully received!

-- Graham

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