Greetings, David,

First, I thank you for venting, for your vent was/is mine as well and
is the reason why I am still using V-22.2. Does this then mean that
the terminal command is now as straightforward as "sudo apt install
lilypond"? Will that automatically install the texinfo files as well?

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 5/14/23, David Sumbler <> wrote:
> On Sun, 2023-05-14 at 13:31 +0200, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
>> Le dimanche 14 mai 2023 à 12:15 +0100, David Sumbler a écrit :
>> > It's a while since I used Lilypond.  I have a bit of tweaking I
>> > want to do to some scores, so thought I should download the latest
>> > version.  In the end, I decided to use v2.24.1, rather than 2.25.4,
>> > although I have mostly used the "unstable" versions in the past.
>> >
>> > Lilypond used to use a global install, and it was the work of a few
>> > minutes to download and install this on my Linux machines,
>> > including all the documentation too if one added the -d flag.
>> >
>> > I have managed to install Lilypond, and even the docs, a couple of
>> > times since it changed to a sort of flatpack design.  Each time it
>> > has taken me a long time to get it all working.  Today I have spent
>> > well over an hour messing about, and I have now managed to get
>> > lilypond installed and also the documentation.
>> >
>> > But convert-ly doesn't work: I get a
>> > "/home/david/lilypond/usr/bin/python3: not found" error.  This is
>> > probably because the convert-ly script I have in my ~/bin/  folder
>> >  needs amending, but I can see myself having to spend another hour
>> > or two trying to sort out what is going wrong and how to change it.
>> >
>> > What seems to be missing is a simple to find and to follow set of
>> > instructions on how to install Lilypond.  I was surprised to see
>> > that the Learning Manual now encourages users to use a package from
>> > their distro.  This seems to be a change of policy: previously, the
>> > website discouraged users from doing this, because the repositories
>> > usually have out of date versions.  But perhaps this is the path I
>> > should go down, simply to save time.
>> >
>> > Sorry, this is just a grumble about having to mess about so much to
>> > get Lilypond functioning.  But surely there ought to be some sort
>> > of instructions on the download site about how to get everything
>> > installed and working.
>> What does “install” mean to you?
>> This is a serious question, not hair splitting. Depending on what you
>> actually want to do with LilyPond, the way to “install” it can be
>> vastly different.
>> If you just want to run it from the command line, then you don't need
>> to install it in any way, you can just run
>> "~/where/you/unpacked/the/archive/bin/lilypond".
>> If you want to use it *regularly* from the terminal, or if you want
>> some tool (e.g., Emacs) to find it as just "lilypond", you can just
>> prepend the right directory to your PATH by adding this to your shell
>> startup file (e.g., ~/.bashrc):
>> export PATH=/where/you/unpacked/the/archive/bin:$PATH
>> and this will make it callable as "lilypond".
>> If you want to use it with Frescobaldi, that's in the learning
>> manual, but I suppose you saw that.
>> For the documentation there is no real "installation" process in any
>> case (OK, except maybe if you want the Info documentation).
>> To me, the problem with “there should be a simple way to install
>> LilyPond” is that “install LilyPond” is not something well-defined at
>> all. There is also a purely psychological issue that some people
>> think it's a must to “install” something in some way before being
>> able to use it.
>> There are good reasons why the script that used to be shipped isn't
>> shipped anymore (for example: it would not work well with having
>> several versions in parallel).
> OK - point taken!
> After writing my previous moaning message, I decided to see what
> version of Lilypond I would get if I installed my Linux distro's
> version (I'm using Ubuntu-Unity 23.04).  Rather to my surprise I found
> that it is v.2.24.1, the latest "stable" version, and the same as I
> downloaded earlier from the Lilypond download site.  I also downloaded
> the docs.
> And magically it all seems to work.  convert-ly worked straight away,
> and all is well.  No doubt this is why new users are now encouraged to
> use their distro's version, the opposite advice to what used to be
> given.  So in future I'll probably stick with this policy.  Since I
> tend to install new versions of Ubuntu fairly frequently, my Lilypond
> versions shouldn't be too out of date.
> David

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