Le samedi 27 mai 2023 à 17:38 -0400, msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca a écrit :
> On Sat, 27 May 2023, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> > Are you sure that this is the correct example? That the file chord.ly it
> > uses is the same as the one you sent? That LilyPond is the one you believe
> > and unpatched, etc. ?
> Yes, using the chord.ly file I attached to my message, extracted from the
> message as it came back through the mailing list, with the three-line
> input cut and pasted from my message as it came back through the mailing
> list, and the version of Lilypond I compiled from the sources in the file
> lilypond-2.24.1.tar.gz downloaded from the lilypond.org Web site, I get
> these messages:
> GNU LilyPond 2.24.1 (running Guile 2.2)
> Processing `test.ly'
> Parsing...ERROR: In procedure %resolve-variable:
> Unbound variable: #{ }#
> > I can't reproduce your problem (on Fedora); it compiles fine for me and
> > prints a single MM rest.
> Interesting.  What's the provenance of your Lilypond executable - did you
> also compile from source, or use a Fedora package?
> I wonder if the issue could be with my Guile 2.2 installation, which I
> also compiled from sources.  I'm using Slackware, which does not have a
> Guile 2.2 package, having skipped all the way to version 3.  I had to
> install Guile 2.2 over top of that in order to get a version of Lilypond
> that would report itself as using Guile 2.2, but if the build was still
> partly using Slackware's packaged Guile 3.0 somehow, that could explain
> the difference in our results.

As David pointed out, there are no-break spaces on lines 38 and 39, which you 
need to convert to normal spaces.

Now I understand why I did not get the error; I use Frescobaldi, which 
apparently tried to be helpful (in this case a little too helpful) by 
auto-converting them.

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