Hello Ken,

please try to give a MWE and to describe what you actually want to achieve. It 
is hard to get what you want from just a handful of screenshots of jump marks.

I suppose this is supposed to be something like

A [SEGNO] B [Fine→Coda] C [Dal segno al Fine e poi la coda] [Coda] D

So essentially A → B → C → B → D

What you are doing is something like

  c'1 c'
  \repeat segno 2 {
    d' d'
  \alternative {
    \volta 1 { }
    \volta 2 { e' e' }
    { f' f' }

instead you should be doing something like this

  c'1 c'
  \repeat segno 2 {
    d' d'
  \alternative {
    { e' e' }
    { f' f' }

Or as given in the documentation

  c'1 c'
  \repeat segno 2 {
    d' d'
  \alternative {
    { e' e' }
    { \section \sectionLabel "Coda" }
  f' f'

Now, Lilypond will then produce marks that are more inspired by classical use 
of codas, while this is more a pop-style use of coda marks (where you will find 
interesting instructions like this "D.S. al coda" (lit. from the sign to the 
Coda, so start playing repeat from the segno and stop once you reach the 

Now, if you want you can simply tell Lilypond to do this thing by simple 
styling directives:

  c'1 c'
  \repeat segno 2 {
    d' d'
  \alternative {
    { e' e' }
    { f' f' }

\layout {
  \context {
    dalSegnoTextFormatter =
    #(lambda (context return-count marks)
       (let* ((start-markup (car marks))
              (end-markup (cadr marks))
              (next-markup (caddr marks))
              (result (if start-markup "D.S." "D.C.")))
         (if next-markup
             (markup result "al Coda")
             (if end-markup
                 (markup result "al" end-markup)
    \override CodaMark.self-alignment-X = ##f
    \override CodaMark.font-size = #0
    codaMarkFormatter =
    #(lambda (count context)
       (let* ((coda-markup (format-coda-mark (ceiling (/ count 2)) context)))
         (if (= (remainder count 2) 1)
             (markup #:put-adjacent X LEFT #:center-align coda-markup 
#:fontsize -1 "To Coda ")
             (markup #:put-adjacent X RIGHT #:center-align coda-markup 
#:fontsize -1 " Coda"))))


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