Not offhand, but I'd start with make-small-caps in
define-markup-commands.scm and strip out the is-lower logic.

At 09:41 on 16 Jun 2023, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi all!

> Anyone have a good \uppercase function they could share?

> I tried to make one, and it doesn’t throw an error, but also doesn’t
> work:

> \version "2.25.2"

> #(define-markup-command (uppercase layout props arg) (markup?)
>    (interpret-markup layout props (string-upcase (markup->string arg))))

> \header {
>   title = "My Awesome Piece"
> }

> \paper {
>   scoreTitleMarkup = \markup \uppercase \fromproperty #'header:title
> }

> { c1 }

> Thanks,
> Kieren.

Mark Knoop

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